International Journals of Economic and Business Management

Vol. 10(3), pp. 61-66, June 2022 , 2022.

ISSN: 2384-6151



Full Length Research


Economic Analysis of the Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Fertilizer Application under Optimum Irrigation Scheduling for Potato Production at South Eastern Ethiopia


Samuel Lindi1, Bakasho Iticha2, Mehiret Hone3, Sintayehu Abebe4


1Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 884, Asella, Ethiopia  

2,3, 4Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 884, Asella, Ethiopia  

Corresponding author's email: -



Accepted 27 February 2022



Wise management of water, fertilizer, and soil is critical in sustainable food production. This study was conducted at Tiyo and Ziwad Dugda districts during the dry season based on the objective to analysis the economic effect of NP fertilizer application under Optimum irrigation scheduling for potato production and water productivity under irrigated condition. Two rate of NP fertilizer (recommended rate and +25% of recommended rate of fertilizer under optimum irrigation condition) and farmer’s irrigation practice was used as control. The comparison of the experiment show that the maximum (20.53tons/ha) and minimum (11.85tons/ha) were obtained at +25% recommended rate and farmers practice, respectively. During field demonstration activity farmers also perceived that +25% recommended rate of fertilizer was one of the most preferred and appropriate technology for maximizing yield production, optimum irrigation water management and fertilizer rate technology. Therefore, under optimum irrigation water management practice addition of 25% fertilizer on the recommended rate gave high potato tuber yield. The economic analysis was done basis on the prevailing prices of varying treatment inputs (Urea and NPS) and outputs (Tuber Yield) during the cropping seasons using the Ethiopian currency (ETB). The economic analysis of the combined result of the experiment revealed that the profitable highest mean net return of 141,677.06 Birr/ha was obtained for the plot that received 206.25 kg/ha of Urea and 294.94kg/ha of NPS which is 38,919.41 ETB. So, this is economically optimum and profitable. Therefore, it can be concluded that application of 206.25kg of Urea and 294.94kg of NPS fertilizer per hectare in the target area is preferable to maximize profit that can be gained from Potato production under optimal irrigation condition.


Keywords: Economic Analysis, Optimal Irrigation, Potato, Fertilizer rate


Cite This Article As: Samuel, L.,, Bakasho, I., Mehiret, H., Sintayehu, A. (2022). Economic Analysis of the Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Fertilizer Application under Optimum Irrigation Scheduling for Potato Production at South Eastern Ethiopia. Inter. J. Econ. Bus. Manage.10(3): 61-66